Hot! Bishop Nehru Celebrates 21st Birthday With New Track, “WW3”


Bishop Nehru is back.

Bishop Nehru returns in stunning fashion on the haunting self-produced instrumental for his nostalgic-sounding track, “WW3”. Ironic given that Nehru turned 21 on the day of this track’s release (8/27), “WW3” finds the New York emcee spitting in a tongue savored by yesteryear’s rap fan. 

Slightly raspy, intricate rhymes discussing his exuded musical prowess pour over the ominous, gritty beat, which sounds like it belongs in the RZA’s cookbook. A self-assertion of his impending music takeover, “WW3” states that Nehru isn’t messing around, and that he’s ready for war. 

With an MF Doom collaboration album to go along with his Mass Appeal signing (run by Nas), he has the right backing to match his natural talent. Perhaps it’s only a matter of time until his self-declaration becomes a reality.

Stream “WW3” below:


Zach H