Hot! Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail Album Cover Revealed


Here’s the official cover for Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail album, dropping tomorrow on Samsung Galaxy devices. The official release date is 3 days later. Details and more pics after the jump. 


Located in the United Kingdom, The Salisbury Cathedral, home to one of the four surviving original 1215 Magna Carta documents, has become the site which debuted JAY Z’s Magna Carta… Holy Grailalbum cover art.

The installation will be on display at the Salisbury Cathedral Chapter House through the month of July. See the installation below.

JAY Z’s new album Magna Carta… Holy Grail will be available early to eligible Samsung users who have downloaded the #magnacarta app at 12:01 am EST on Thursday, July 4th. [Click here to download the app.] The album will be released globally on July 9th.

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