Hot! Z-Ro Offers Houston Relief Through Track, “Houston 2Gether”


Help comes in all different forms.

Hurricane Harvey demonstrates the brutal, unforgiving hand that mother natures sometimes wields. Homes have been destroyed, lives ruined, and hope has been swept away with the murky flood waters. However, in these times of crisis, true heroes emerge. Houston semi-retired rapper, Z-Ro, is tightening his cape to help the victims of his beloved city.

The 40-year-old spitter has released the track “Houston 2Gether” to instill a sense of pride and camaraderie in these despairing people. While motivational words can be cathartic, he’s also donating 100% of the proceeds to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Z-Ro took to his Instagram to make the announcement stating, “All proceeds donated to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. Thank you for your help in our time of need!”

So if you want to enjoy good music while benefiting an even better cause, stream Z-Ro’s track, “Houston 2Gether”, below now:


Zach H