Nutso – The ProfileWild Interview

“I rap for lifers and felons,” Nutso proclaims on “Unda Ground,” the intro to his latest EP, Divided Souls, completed with DJ Pain 1 and his Divided Souls production team. But Nutso’s lyrics transcend and boxes one may try to place them in. Perhaps Nutso’s most important gift as an MC is his ability to describe the beautiful struggle while never slacking on a bar. While the Queens product has dropped a slew of quality EPs over the past few years, he’s also stayed busy working with and showing love to the next generation of MCs on the rise. With a winner-take-all mentality and the quality music to back him up, Nutso shows why he’s one of the most consistent and gifted MCs coming out of the NYC. In this exclusive interview, we talk about Divided Souls, finding success as an indie artist, his new album with Domingo titled Red Sunday, working with legends like Kool G. Rap, and much more. Stay tuned after the interview as Nutso drops an exclusive acapella and survives a round of questions served via the Random Question Generator (if you want to know what homie’s last dream was, here’s your chance).
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