Quentin Miller Freestyles on Funk Flex
QM is setting the lyrical bar.
Quentin Miller has had starry eyes ever since he can remember. A talented writer, Quentin however rose to prominence through undignified means: as the alleged ghostwriter for Drake–the accusation that spawned Drizzy’s Grammy award-winning track, “Back-to-Back”. However, three years have passed since this scandal and beef, but Q still can’t seem to shake the Drake-casted shadow. But just because a narrative stalks him, doesn’t mean that Miller isn’t intent on changing it.
Recently, Quentin took to Funk Flex’s freestyle stage to demonstrate why he’s an in-demand ghostwriter, and why he deserves artistic credit himself. Q is more than just a lyricist–he’s a performer with an inherent musical aptitude that is on full display in this freestyle.
Touching on the Drake writing claims, and even ones involving Kanye, Q nimbly maneuvers through the four-minute freestyle, effectively proving why he deserves to be heralded as a rapper, not just known as that one dude who wrote for Drake.
Check out the video below: