Curren$y Delivers ‘Hot August Nights’ Mixtape
Spitta remains one of hip-hop’s most consistent plugs.
“Prolific” gets thrown around too much in hip-hop, usually assigned to undeserving individuals. To truly be prolific, to be labeled as a voluminous musical purveyor, an artist’s discography needs to look more like a bibliography. One artist who truly embodies this is the one and only, Curren$y.
Eight-months into 2019, and Curren$y has personally released or been a part of over five projects, including the collaborative 2009 with close friend, Wiz Khalifa. Over the weekend, Spitta added another line to his bibliography discography with his new mixtape, Hot August Nights.
A seven-track endeavor, Hot August Nights shows Curren$y lyrically dancing across a medley of production — from mellowed trap music to jazzy samples, Curren$y effortlessly runs the production gamut.
Coming in at a succinct 18-minutes, Hot August Nights begs for repeated listens. Get started by hitting play on it below: