The True Genius Behind Kendrick Lamar’s “Fear”

Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN is a certified classic — no ifs, ands, or buts. Within the 14-track album is Kenny’s dynamism and transcendent artistry on full-display: he bends words; waxes poetic; and proves how he’s a master MC. 

In a recent Genius News video, the esteemed media platform invited on Adam Bradley, Director of the Laboratory for Race And Popular Culture at the University of Colorado at Boulder, to discuss the true… genius… behind Kendrick’s DAMN — specifically the song, “Fear.” Employing a host of literary devices — including anaphoras and assonance — to illuminate his life at ages seven, 17, and 27, Bradley explains the complexities and nuances of Kenny’s style.

Watch the full video below to truly appreciate the legendary Kendrick:


Zach H